Max Spiers RIP

Max Spiers a super soldier and truthseeker WHO DIED suddenly and mysteriously in Poland LAST YEAR exposed #pizzagate in 2014


He was exposing elite pedophille rings and MK Ultra Projects in Holywood and Western Society. Witnesses reported Max apparenty vomiting 2litres of a black liquid in the hours prior too his death. 

What little coverage the main stream media gave his passing was as telling as it was sparse. The reports of his death were in my opinion manipulated intentionally almost all print media insisted on using tabloid headlines..
UFO conspiracy theorists don't tend to be regarded as credile humans never mind private investigators .

Bad timing or perhaps even careful planning compounded things further.his death coincided with the hysteria and hype that were the final few weeks of campaigning in the US elections .
Almost all TV/Radio news was 24/7 l reporting on what became Wikileaks and we the global peoples Operation never Clinton .
Unravelling the facts from the fiction outta both Clinton and Trump camps was not for the feignt hearted .


Who was Max Spiers? Conspiracy theorist and UFO hunter – all you need to know

Max's 'girlfriend' is now set to be quizzed by cops and his mother, Vanessa Bates, believes her son's investigations into UFOs and government cover-ups may have something to do with his death

– and then he died after throwing up two litres of black liquid.


Max Spiers was found dead in Poland and it was ruled that he died from natural causes despite no post-mortem examination being carried out
It was revealed that Max died on the sofa of science fiction writer of Monika Du val, who was present when he died
It is unclear what the relationship was between the two of them, and Du val is now being questioned by police.

But what do we know about the UFO hunter and conspiracy theorist?
Here’s what we know…

Who was Max Spires?

The 39-year-old was originally from Canterbury and went to school with Orlando Bloom.
 As well as having a brother, Josh, and a sister, Becky, Max also had two sons.
He had lived in America for a few years but moved back to Canterbury recently to live with his mum.

Max died in Poland on July 16 where he was due to speak at a conference.
The world-renowned conspiracy theorist was said to have been probing into the lives of well-known figures in politics, business and entertainment.
His body was found on a sofa and it was ruled by Polish authorities that he died from natural causes despite no post-mortem examination being carried out.

An inquest at Canterbury Coroners opened in December after his body was repatriated. A post-mortem at Margate QEQM Hospital, Kent, was unable to determine how he died.
In a statement, coroner’s investigations officer Caroline O’Donnell said: “When they returned, Mr Spiers became ill with a high tem
perature and was weak.

“The following day, Mr Spiers vomited two litres of black fluid.
“The friend called a doctor who attempted resuscitation before pronouncing him dead.”

Max had set up a biog called ‘Where Truth Meets Heart‘ where he posted his thoughts and ideas.

Since his death, family and friends have continued to post quotes from Max about what he believed in as well as tributes.
His sister Becky has also posted pictures and memories of her brother which includes his interest in wrestling as a child and the love he had for his siblings when they were growing up.


One friend commented to me that all these media people are just a bunch of Circle Jerks- going round and round with untruths about Max. Bringing anyone into the fold that can shout the loudest. Not people that really knew him. 

So for anyone that TRULY knew Max would know that he really really CARED about humanity. He would NEVER  put on an “act” and PRETEND that he CARES for people. Some are implying that Max was playing a character with all his presentations and wasn’t genuine. That he was being paid to put on this act. Now this is the most ASININE thing I have ever heard! Anyone that actually KNEW Max knew that he was foremost about the TRUTH. He wanted to help wake people up to the New World Order. To teach people how to break the loop of control. To teach people how to be free. THAT is what Max was truly about. He would NEVER take money and play a part that was AGAINST humanity. EVER. 

Max was NOT working with the Russians as some have implied.

Max was NOT on a secret mission when he went to Cyprus. He went there on HOLIDAY. Nothing sinister. He was taking a break.

Max was NOT about to expose Hillary Clinton. Max had absolutely NO connections to Clinton or Podesta as some are implying.

Max was NOT a UFO expert. He WAS an expert on MK Ultra and Targeted Individuals. THAT is what many of his talks were focused on. 

Max WAS someone who cared about children. He did have insider knowledge on individuals connected to Hollywood. He DID try to expose some of these individuals. Anyone that was a friend of Max on his Facebook would know he regularly discussed these people. So THIS wasn’t something new that got him killed.

At the end of the day what Max WAS, was a threat to the dark energies that control this world. He was gaining momentum. He was gaining in popularity. He was very very happy and had many great plans in mind. He loved life. He loved people. And people loved Max.  He was a natural born leader.  The dark couldn’t have that. They wanted to bury Max. But thanks to his mother, family, friends, and others that were touched by Max, this isn’t going to happen. 

We WILL get justice for Max. We WILL keep his message alive. 


MaxWill~ MaxWell   

November 25th.“Update. 

Max’s Polish investigation is officially opened. The Polish prosecutor is questioning all parties linked in any way to his death. This is huge. Big thanks and love to all of you who just wouldn’t give up.” ~ Vanessa

" Victim of abuse and Max exposed the motivation of Elite paedophiles being the real purpose of MK Ultra "

Absolutely mind bending account of life as a Super soldier


Victim of their abuse as a small child  Max exposes and Elite paedophiles real purpose for abusing children ......and why this was the real purpose of MK Ultra

Dimensions .......... MK Ultra . ........Mind Control .............Anunaki
 Elite .....Mars Wars.........Blood group B.................Frequency's