Parabolic antenna Satellite Land Earth Station Leuk, Valais, Switzerland. Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system.

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Parabolic antenna Satellite Land Earth Station Leuk, Valais, Switzerland. Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system.

- Image ID: E9M261
Parabolic antenna Satellite Land Earth Station Leuk, Valais, Switzerland. Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system.
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More information: 
Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system maintained by the Federal Intelligence Service - Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB).
Date taken: 1 June 2014
Location: Leuk, Valais, Switzerland, Europe

Onyx (interception system)

Onyx (interception system)

Interception station in Leuk
Onyx 20100819 MartinSteiger CCBYSA 001.jpg
Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system maintained by the Swiss Army. The costs of the system are not public, but the amount of 100 million Swiss francs has been mentioned several times[1], in particular in 2000 by Werner Marti, SP deputy to the National Council of Switzerland. In March 2005, journalist Urs Paul Engeler estimated that the costs (hidden in various military construction budgets) reached 400 million CHF [2]. The Onyx system was launched in 2000, originally under the name SATOS-3 (the SATOS 1 and 2 systems were started in 1992, in particular to intercept faxes), and was completed in late 2005.



The goal of the system is to monitor both civil and military communications, such as telephone, fax or Internet traffic, carried by satellite. Onyx uses lists of keywords to filter the intercepted content for information of interest, and the choice of keywords by the intelligence community must be approved by an independent commission. The system is not supposed to monitor internal communications; however, the monitoring of a communication between a person in Switzerland and someone in another country is allowed.[3] The Swiss Federal Council has indicated that Onyx is not linked to other foreign systems such as ECHELON; according to the Council, the confusion and rumours about this issue are due to the sale by Swisscom to Verestar (now SES Americom) of the ground satellite communication station of Leuk (next to the Onyx site) in 2000.[4] The use of the system is controlled by an independent control authority composed of members of the federal administration.[5]

Active sites

Onyx (interception system) is located in Switzerland
Location of Onyx interception stations
Active sites include the following:[3]

Intercepted black sites fax

On 8 January 2006, the Swiss newspaper Sonntagsblick (Sunday edition of the Blick newspaper) published a secret report produced by the Swiss government using data intercepted by Onyx.[8][9] The report described a fax sent by the Egyptian department of Foreign Affairs to the Egyptian Embassy in London, and described the existence of secret detention facilities ("black sites") run by the CIA in Eastern Europe.[10] The Swiss government did not officially confirm the existence of the report, but started a military judiciary procedure for leakage of secret documents against the newspaper on 9 January 2006. While the authenticity of the fax was implicitly confirmed during the trial, the reporter and newspaper were cleared of all charges on 17 April 2007.[9][11]


  1. ^ Valérie de Graffenried, Onyx et ses «grandes oreilles». Le Temps, 9 January 2006 (French)
  2. ^ Urs Paul Engeler, Was sagen Sie jetzt?. Weltwoche 10/05, March 2005 (German)
  3. ^ a b Système d'interception des communications par satellite du Départment fédéral de la défense, de la protection de la population et des sports (projet "Onyx"). Report from the National Council (Parliament) on Onyx, 10 November 2003 (French)
  4. ^ Espionnage économique sur le territoire suisse au profit des Etats-Unis Answer by the Swiss Federal Council to a question of Alexander Baumann, member of the National Council. 20 August 2003 (French)
  5. ^ Swiss Federal Department of Defense. Projet ONYX réalisé : la Délégation des Commissions de gestion et l’Autorité de contrôle indépendante contrôlent sa conformité au droit. 6 September 2007 (French).
  6. ^ Swiss Federal Department of Defense, Deux nouvelles antennes pour l'installation militaire de Heimenschwand. 17 March 2005 Press release (French)
  7. ^ Swiss Federal Department of Defense, Deux nouvelles antennes sur le site du DDPS de Loèche. 24 October 2005 Press release (French)
  8. ^ SonntagsBlick, CIA-Skandal US-Folter-Camps: Der Beweis! (German) Accessed on 9 January 2006.
  9. ^ a b Decision of the military tribunal of 17 April 2007 (German). Includes the original article from the Sonntagsblick with the copy of the fax.
  10. ^ Swissinfo, Swiss may have known about secret CIA prisons. Accessed on 9 January 2006
  11. ^ Swissinfo, Reporters cleared of revealing military secret. 17 April 2007

External links

Media related to Onyx interception system at Wikimedia Commons

Legal basis for the system

  • Federal law on the army and the military administration / Bundesgesetz über die Armee und die Militärverwaltung (Militärgesetz, MG) / Loi fédérale sur l’armée et l’administration militaire (LAAM) of 1995-03-03, SR/RS 510.10 (E·D·F·I), art. 99 (E·D·F·I)
  • Ordinance on electronic warfare / Verordnung über die elektronische Kriegführung (VEKF) / Ordonnance sur la guerre électronique (OGE) of 2003-10-15, SR/RS 510.292 (E·D·F·I)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo

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NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo
NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo

((( Videos below  contain intel brief & proofs ))

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 The Low Cost No 1 Choice of Dictators Darfur Genocide Airplane

 Pilatus P7 from  Switzerland used in Chad, Sudan Iraq , Mexico  etc etc

Swiss Company Mebo shown in court to have  supplied the timers used in bombing of Pan Am flight over Lockerbie 

<iframe width="794" height="447" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lockerbie — MEBO TELECOM and the Story of the MST-13 Timers

Posted on October 25, 2017 by L
“The problem with the Lockerbie trial has been that the man who supplied the timer for the bomb which brought down the aircraft was never put on trial. Western intelligence agencies knew of the activities of Edwin Bollier as far back as 1971. The envelope which should have brought Edwin Bollier’s career to an end — he was then an agent for the Stasi East German intelligence — was handed to MI6 in the summer of 1971. I know because I handed the envelope containing the evidence to “W”, my MI6 controller, retired Perth Detective Superintendent, in an office in Guild Street, Aberdee”
Paul Harris — The Herald, February 1st 2001
MEBO Telecommunications AG (formed in 1969 and registered in Zürich on 24 March 1971) was owned by Swiss businessmen Erwin Meister and Edwin Bollier. MEBO employed a single technician: Ulrich Lumpert.
All of them were regarded as being not trustworthy by those who attended the Lockerbie trial. The trial court found Mr Bollier to be “at times an untruthful and at other times an unreliable witness.”
William Taylor QC, who has been defending Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, described  Mr Bollier was a man “prone to invention” who hoped to receive a cash reward from the American authorities for information about the 1988 bombing.
Both Bollier and Meister made up a story about an ‘Olympus timer’ that had been programmed for 1930 hours on a Wednesday – the Lockerbie bombing occurred at 1903 on Wednesday 21 December 1988 — wich was proven to be technically impossible.
Moreover, both men forgot about having supplied MST-13 timers to the Stasi – the secret police of the former East Germany. [More about this when we will discuss a secret document provided by the King of Jordan to the UK in 96 and never shown to the defense for reason of National Security.]
Finally, Ulrich Lumpert, told the Scottish Court in the Netherlands that he had produced all of the firm’s MST-13 timers and agreed that the fragment — known as PT/35(b) — shown to him in court “could be” from a MST-13 timer.
However — seven years later — on 18 July 2007, Lumpert claimed he had lied at the trial. In an affidavit before a Zürich notary, Lumpert stated that he had stolen a prototype MST-13 timer PC-board from MEBO and that he had given it on 22 June 1989, to “an official person investigating the Lockerbie case.
By now, you probably understand than one must be careful with the testimony of these three

also   MEBO

Radio North Sea International Radio Nordsee International; Dutch: Radio Noordzee Internationaal) was a European offshore radio station run by the Swiss firm Mebo Telecommunications,


Two days after the election, the station reverted to RNI. Because jamming continued, Mebo II returned to the Dutch coast on 23 July 1970.[3]
The British government jammed Mebo II's broadcasts with tones, usually an 800 Hz heterodyne supplemented with a pulsed beep (whistle and "pip pip"). Norway's interference with RNI on 6215.0 kHz was explained thus:
This is a transmission from the Norwegian coast station Rogaland Radio operating in single side band mode, upper side band, with a carrier frequency of 6215.0 kHz. The purpose of this transmission is to clear the channel of unauthorized and out of band broadcasting, to improve reception conditions for ships wishing to communicate with coast stations on this frequency or on adjacent maritime channels.
Paul Harris's book Broadcasting from the High Seas, published in 1976,[5] suggests the UK government suspected RNI's shortwave equipment was sending coded messages to unfriendly countries, in particular the German Democratic Republic (GDR).
Harris also claimed Edwin Bollier vowed to take revenge on the British government because he felt RNI had been singled out for jamming.

1971 bombing

On Saturday, 15 May 1971 at 22:50 DJ Alan West interrupted his programme to say there had been an explosion and that the ship was on fire:[3]
Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Radio North Sea International from the Mebo II at exactly 52°11' latitude, 4°16' longitude, four miles from the coast of Scheveningen, Holland, one mile from the radio ship Norderney, Veronica. We are having to abandon ship very soon, the bridge and the engine room are on fire, the fire is taking control of the ship. The fire was caused by a bomb thrown on board from a small motor ship, repeat, small motor launch with an outboard motor. We don't know who it belongs to, but it certainly bombed us while it was here. This is the Mebo II on fire, we need help immediately. The Mebo II is now abandoning ship.

Destination Libya

Gulf of Sidra - Libya's "territorial waters"
While the two vessels were laid up in the Netherlands, both were fully refitted. Early in 1977, Mebo I, now renamed Angela and Mebo II were sold to Libya. They sailed, each with a crew of nine, for Libya, arriving at Tripoli on 9 February 1977.
Mebo II was renamed El Fatah, and Angela was renamed Almasira. El Fatah then broadcast as Radio Jamharia with programmes such as the Arab Voice, Libya International in English and the Holy Quran. This continued until 1980, when Heinz Hurter, Edwin Bollier's second wife's brother was the only Swiss national to remain aboard.[2]

Colonel Gaddafi files motion to 'abolish' Switzerland: with the U.N. September 2009
Switzerland is a world mafia and not a state,' he said.
Libyan leader  shut subsidiaries of Swiss firms in Libya, had two Swiss businessmen arrested, cancelled most flights between the two states and withdrew about $5bn (£3.2bn) from his Swiss bank accounts.

Gaddafi calls for jihad against Switzerland

Feb 2010
"Let us fight against Switzerland, Zionism and foreign aggression," said ­Gaddafi, adding that "this is not terrorism", in contrast with the work of al-Qaida, which he called a "kind of crime and a psychological disease". "There is a big difference between terrorism and jihad, which is a right to armed struggle," he said.

Tamoil issue fuels debate in Switzerland

Switzerland’s best known oil refinery and the country's extensive network of Tamoil filling stations could be targeted by the next round of sanctions against Libya.
The Collombey refinery in canton Valais and the petrol stations are part of the Dutch-based Oilinvest group, which belongs to the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA).
Although the LIA belongs to the Libyan state, and its purpose is to invest money for the good of the country as a whole – as a sovereign wealth fund - it is widely believed to be controlled by Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi and his regime who draw on its receipts for their own purposes
And since Tamoil is part of a holding that legally belongs to the Libyan people, its operations on the ground must not be compromised


MK Ultra mind control started on August 20th 1951, Swissy did a terrible human experiment on humans on August 15th 1951 only 5 days earlier in order to sell Switzerland`s LSD mind control product to the CIA for big business.

DDR Chairman Erich Honecker was Ethnic Swiss, Stasi, GDR, Palatines & Saarländische Schweiz